Carpet Care Hacks You Might Like

Carpet Care

Maintaining your carpets doesn’t have to be an expensive chore. With some smart strategies and budget-friendly ingredients, you can keep your home looking clean and new.

For example, baking soda is a proven stain remover that also helps to absorb odors. You can also use a lint roller to get rid of hairs in the carpet.

1. Bicarbonate of Soda

A staple ingredient in baking, to whiten teeth and relieve heartburn, this cheap household product is actually an amazingly effective cleaner, deodorizer and dirt removing agent. Using baking soda as part of your cleaning routine helps you maintain clean carpets and save money on expensive professional services.

Baking soda can be used to lift fresh, non-greasy stains from your carpet and deodorize the entire room. Sprinkle the powder generously atop your soiled area and allow it to sit for around an hour. Then vacuum the area and watch your carpet become refreshed and smell better! You can repeat this process once a week or as needed to freshen up your carpet and remove any mild odors.

While it’s a bit more difficult to use baking soda to deodorise oily stains or to get rid of severe stains, this handy ingredient can still help. It works well to deodorise stinky shoes, and can be used as a kitchen counter and cabinet deodoriser by simply sprinkling the powder inside food storage containers.

Sprinkle a layer of baking soda onto your carpet and leave it to sit for about an hour before vacuuming. This can be done in a room where you have pets or young children, and is a safe and natural way to eliminate any lingering odors from the carpet.

While this method does a good job of removing most stains, it’s not effective on certain dyed fabrics or heavily soiled areas. It’s best to consult a professional for help with stubborn stains or deep cleaning of your carpet. Professionals can also provide advice on regular cleaning routines to keep your carpet looking and smelling great!

2. Lint Roller

Lint rollers are handy little cleaning tools that work on a variety of surfaces. While they are best known for removing lint and pet hair from clothes and bedding, these sticky tubes can be used for much more. Keep one in your car, for instance, to pick up dirt, grass clippings, and crumbs that can collect during a road trip. You could also use one in your coat closet to quickly remove a speck of who-knows-what from your favorite suit.

The lint roller’s adhesive paper can also be used to zip up the sides and bottom of just about any bag. This is especially helpful for storing items that you don’t want to put in the washing machine, like costume jewelry and small craft pieces. It’s even great for keeping in your purse or wallet to wipe down that ever-growing pile of receipts and business cards.

If you have a large amount of hair in your carpet, try using a lint roller in between vacuuming. Simply place a sheet of the sticky paper on the area and roll away. The lint roller will remove the majority of the hair, so you won’t have to worry about picking it up with your vacuum.

3. Squeegee

As we all know, pet hair is a constant problem. It sticks to everything, even furniture and carpets. Using a lint roller and a vacuum are great for getting most of it, but sometimes you need something more powerful. That’s when you bring out the squeegee.

A squeegee isn’t just for cleaning windows, it’s also great for taking off dust, mud, and even pet hair from your floors. All you need to do is spray a little water onto the floor and then run over it with a squeegee. The pet hair will stick to the rubber blade of the squeegee and then you can just throw it away.

The squeegee method has gained popularity on TikTok thanks to a user who posted a video of herself squeegeing her carpets to remove fur and other debris. She has since received plenty of positive feedback on her Facebook page from users who have tried the technique themselves. Luckily, this hack only requires a squeegee (which you can pick up for under £80 from Asda), so it’s an inexpensive way to keep your carpets clean and free of fur.

4. Ice Cube Technique

When it comes to removing carpet dents from furniture, there’s no need to call in the professionals (or purchase an expensive machine). As this helpful video demonstrates, a few ice cubes can make a dent disappear. The cold temperature of the ice numbs the fibers, making them more pliable and easier to reshape. As the ice melts, it fills the space, pushing the fibers up and restoring their original shape. Just be sure to blot up any excess water before proceeding, as too much moisture can damage the fabric.

This trick is surprisingly effective, especially for smaller divots. For larger dents, you might need to use more than one cube. Simply place the ice cube in the divot and allow it to melt, then blot away any excess water. Repeat as needed, ideally within 12 hours, until the divot is completely restored to its original position. Then, fluff up the carpet fibers to restore their original luster and texture.

For a quicker and more thorough approach, you can also try using a steam iron. First, wet a microfiber cloth and then run an iron over it on the medium heat setting for several seconds. This will quickly swell the fibers, lifting them back up and reviving the tufts.

If you have a more serious problem with sagging and matting, it may be necessary to use a professional tool. This method is a little more expensive than spraying the affected area with water, but it will often yield better results. Just be careful not to oversaturate the carpet, as too much moisture can damage it and cause further problems. It’s a good idea to test this on an area that’s not immediately visible, as the carpet might react differently depending on its type and material.

5. Cornstarch Stain Savior

Grease stains are some of the most frustrating to remove, but they’re not a lost cause. All you need is an ordinary ingredient you probably already have in your pantry—cornstarch. This versatile kitchen staple does more than thicken soups and sauces; it also sucks grease right out of fabric, from clothing to upholstery. Sprinkle a generous amount of cornstarch over the stain, let it sit for several hours, and then vacuum it away. The powder will lift the grease, leaving only the odor behind.

You can use the same technique to get rid of ink stains. Mix equal parts of milk and cornstarch to make a paste, apply it to the stain, and allow to dry. Once the ink is gone, simply brush away any residue and vacuum. This trick can be used to get rid of wine or juice stains, too.

Baking soda is an amazing cleaning agent, but it can leave a dull coating on your carpet fibers. To avoid this, try blotting the stained area with a cloth dampened with warm water before removing the cornstarch. Start at the edges of the stain and work toward the center. Avoid rubbing, which can push the cornstarch deeper into the carpet fibers.

To keep your home’s carpets and furniture looking great—and smelling fresh—use these simple hacks to clean them regularly. Just remember to always test any cleaner or technique on a small, inconspicuous spot of your carpet before using it for a larger area. And don’t forget to fluff your carpet fibers every so often to restore their plushness!
